Siistejä juttuja

1. Tämä working paper siitä, kuinka kieli vaikuttaa intertemporaalisiin valintoihin. Mielenkiintoinen hypoteesi, vaikuttava analyysi ja hyvä käsittely tutkimuksen rajoitteista. Tässä abstrakti, kannattaa lukea se.

Languages differ widely in the ways they partition time. In this paper I test the hypothesis that languages which do not grammatically distinguish between present and future events (what linguists call weak-FTR languages [ml. suomi!]) lead their speakers to take more future-oriented actions. First, I show how this prediction arises naturally when well-documented effects of language on cognition are merged with models of decision making over time. Then, I show that consistent with this hypothesis, speakers of weak-FTR languages save more, hold more retirement wealth, smoke less, are less likely to be obese, and enjoy better long-run health. This is true in every major region of the world and holds even when comparing only demographically similar individuals born and living in the same country. While not conclusive, the evidence does not seem to support the most obvious forms of common causation. Implications of these findings for theories of intertemporal choice are discussed.

2. Eläimetkin abortoivat.

3. Virtuaaliset maailmat! Katsoin juuri Teemalta dokkarin Täydellinen maailma verkossa, ei valitettavasti Areenassa. Olisi hauskaa tulevaisuudessa pelata jotain MMO:ta ja olla mukana siinä emergenssissä.

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